Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Egg: Flying Turtle in Space!

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

A whimsical Friday Egg today!  It is a turtle with a traditional star design shell flying through a flower and dot filled space with his upside-down buddy on the other side.  The brightness of the colors against the black background remind me of folk art embroidery.   

I started the regular way with a white eggshell, then just kept adding new colors.  I washed the eggshell back down to white several times to ensure that the colors were bright and clear.  Sometimes the colors can get a bit muddy and dark if you do too many successive layers of dye without washing back to white as a background again.

Enjoy your sci-fi traditional zoological space exploration egg!

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Space Turtle Pysanky in Multi-Colored Universe

Happy Friday!